Analytical Resources offers a wide range of analytical methods for a variety of matrices. The list below is of the most commonly requested tests. If you don’t find a specific method listed below please contact ARI and ask about availability.
- Arsenic EPA 200.8 (ICP/MS)
- Copper EPA 200.8 (ICP/MS)
- Lead EPA 200.8 (ICP/MS)
- SM 9222 B Total Coliform
- SM 9222 D Fecal Coliform
- EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite/NO2+NO3
- EPA 1613B Dioxin/Furans (High-Res GC/MS)
- EPA 625 SVOC (GC/MS)
- SW-846 8015 Direct Inject (GC/FID)
- SW-846 8270E (GC/MS)
- SW-846 8270E SIM Alkyl PAH (GC/MS Selected Ion Monitoring)
- SW-846 8270E SIM PAH (GC/MS Selected Ion Monitoring)
- SW-846 8270E SIM/Krone Butyl Tins (GC/MS Selected Ion Monitoring)
- SW-846 8290A Dioxin/Furans (High-Res GC/MS)
- AK101 State of Alaska Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons (GC/MS)
- AK102/AK103 State of Alaska Diesel/Extended Range Hydrocarbons (GC/FID)
- NWTPH-HCID Hydrocarbon Identification (GC/FID)
- NWTPHD Diesel/Extended Range Hydrocarbons (GC/FID)
- NWTPHG Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons (GC/MS)
- NWTPH-HCID Hydrocarbon Identification (GC/FID)
- WA EPH Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons (GC/FID/PID)
- WA VPH Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons (GC/FID/PID)
- EPA 604 Pentachlorophenol (GC/ECD)
- EPA 608 PCB Aroclors (GC/ECD)
- EPA 608 Pesticides (GC/ECD)
- SW-846 8041A Chlorophenols (GC/ECD)
- SW-846 8081B Pesticides (GC/ECD)
- SW-846 8082A PCB Aroclors (GC/ECD)
- SW-846 8082A PCB Congeners (GC/ECD)
- AK101 State of Alaska Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons (GC/MS)
- EPA 524.3 (GC/MS)
- EPA 624 (GC/MS)
- NWTPHG Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons (GC/MS)
- RSK-175 Dissolved Gasses (GC/TCD)
- SW-846 8260C (GC/MS)
- SW-846 8260C SIM (GC/MS Selected Ion Monitoring)
- WA VPH Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons (GC/FID/PID)
Metals (Total/Dissolved/TCLP/SPLP)
- EPA 200.7 (ICP)
- EPA 200.8 (ICP/MS)
- EPA 245.1 Mercury (CVA)
- SW-846 6010C (ICP)
- SW-846 6020B (ICP/MS)
- SW-846 7470A/7471B Mercury (CVA)
- EPA 120.1 Conductivity
- EPA 160.4 Total Volatile Solids (TVS)
- EPA 1664 HEM Oil and Grease
- EPA 180.1 Turbidity
- EPA 300.0 Anions (Br, Cl, Fl, NO2, NO3, SO4, o-Phos)
- EPA 325.2 Chloride
- EPA 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
- EPA 353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite/NO2+NO3
- EPA 375.2 Sulfate
- EPA 410.4 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
- EPA 420.1 Phenolics
- EPA 7196A Hexavalent Chrome
- EPA 9040C pH
- EPA 9045C pH
- EPA 9065 Phenolics
- EPA 9080 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
- PSEP Total Volatile Solids (TVS)
- Plumb Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
- SM 2120 B Color
- SM 2130 B Turbidity
- SM 2320 B Alkalinity
- SM 2510 B Conductivity
- SM 2540 B Total Solids (TS)
- SM 2540 C Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
- SM 2540 D Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
- SM 2540 E Total Volatile Suspended Solids (TVSS)
- SM 2540 F Setteable Solids (SS)
- SM 2540 G Total Solids in Solids/Semisolids (TS)
- SM 3500 Cr B Hexavalent Chrome
- SM 3500 Fe B Ferrous Iron
- SM 4500 CN E Total Cyanide
- SM 4500 CN G Amenable Cyanide
- SM 4500 CN I WAD Cyanide
- SM 4500 H pH
- SM 4500 N-org Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
- SM 4500 NH3 H Ammonia
- SM 4500 P Phosphorus
- SM 4500 S2 D Sulfide
- SM 4500 S2 D Soluble Sulfide
- SM 4500 SO3 B Sulfite
- SM 5210 B Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
- SM 5310 B Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)
- SM 5310 B Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
- SM 9222 D Fecal Coliform
- SM 9222 D Total Coliform
- SW-846 9014 Total Cyanide
- SW-846 9060A Total Organic Carbon (TOC)