Petroleum Hydrocarbon

Petroleum Hydrocarbon

Reporting limits listed in the tables below represent normal sample conditions and may be higher for any sample depending on target analyte levels, matrix complexity, moisture content, or background interference. ARI reserves the right to screen all samples prior to preparation or analysis to determine optimal analytical outcome. A zip file with all the analysis tables below can be downloaded here.

  • AK101 State of Alaska Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons (GC/MS) (Water/Solid)
  • AK102 State of Alaska Diesel Range Hydrocarbons (GC/FID) (Water/Solid)
  • AK103 State of Alaska Extended Range Hydrocarbons (GC/FID) (Water/Solid)
  • NWTPHD Diesel/Extended Range Hydrocarbons (GC/FID) (Water/Solid/Low Level Solid)
  • NWTPHG Gasoline Range Hydrocarbons (GC/MS) (Water/Solid)
  • NWTPH-HCID Hydrocarbon Identification (GC/FID) (Water/Solid)
  • WA EPH Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons (GC/FID/PID) (Ali Water/Solid, Aro Water/Solid)
  • WA VPH Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons (GC/FID/PID) (Water/Solid)

Summary tables are examples only. Please consult with your project manager for current published limits.